Sunday, 15 May 2011

summery stuff and swap stash!

This week I arrived home to one of those mysterious red cards left by the post when something won't fit through the door. Racking my brains to think what I had bought on a late night ebay spree and couldn't remember, when I collected I realised it was my very berry swap partner's package of scaps! A box crammed full of fabric goodies- my brain has started to go on overdrive thinking about what to make! Thank you so much scrap partner!
Having bought some lovely linen fabric at the market, I decided to try another Heidi and Finn pattern- this time a party dress (despite not having any parties planned...) I used some lovely cloud 9 fabric as the box and waistband and despite little B having to grow a bit more for it to fit properly, I was quite pleased with the result!

Thursday, 5 May 2011


I wanted to make a present for a friend who has just had a little girl. Not really knowing what I wanted to make and after a fair bit of pottering about I came up with this.....
It is a kind of taggie blanket with really soft fluffy material on the back and soft jersey on the front. I hope she likes it!