Sunday, 19 February 2012

Ballet bag

So little b has started ballet classes- she has to wear a cute uniform so I thought it was a good excuse to sew up a ballet bag to hold her stuff ( although currently a toy mobile phone has also worked its way in there... I suppose even ballet dancers need to stay in touch) It was one of those quick makes as it was done during the day while I was also trying to keep her out of mischief- so not perfect by any means but will do the job!

Oh and a quick photo of her wearing the skirt in the last post!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Fear of the buttonhole foot...

Finally I have brought myself to try the scariest thing on my sewing machine!
Not a super duper result but pleased none the less. Only took me two years to strike up the courage ...

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Properly finished!

Well- to hide the rough finish of yesterday I had the great idea of sewing some trim round the bottom of the jumper...and it worked! A much better finish. B didn't want to wear it today ( typical after a night of sewing) but when she did finally agree to try it,it fitted perfectly! Hurray for French patterns!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Feb sewing!

Been a little quiet on sewing front lately. Tonight I settled down to attempt a knit jumper- not perfect as usual I rushed the end as I wanted to get it finished, but other than that I'm pretty happy with it...would it be wrong to wake up little b just to try it on???