Monday, 30 April 2012

New best friend

Look what my dad saw in oxfam window yesterday! (And what I persuaded him to go down first thing this morning to buy!!)- my very own body. The shop assistant was a little confused when he went in and said he liked the body in the window and could he have a better look- not knowing there was another shop assistant fixing the window display....

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Lovely fabric

I have succumbed to 20% off fabric from clothkits- how could I resist?! 2m of lovely linemen/cotton Japanese fabric- I'm thinking skirt for starters and see what i think of after that. Is it wrong to even consider matching clothes for B and I....... Yes I think so, but so tempting!

Photo from

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ist birthday gift

I bought some iron on transfers at the weekend so dying to try them I decided to make an apron tunic for a friend's little girl. An hour later...... Ta da! ( possibly a little over excited for a transfer but humour me!!)

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Happy birthday to me...

Today was my birthday- lots of fun with family. Who couldn't smile with company like this??
(Yes, you are right- she did climb into a guitar bag.)

Friday, 20 April 2012

Apron style top

I made a couple of these last year but they are perfect for nursery so I made another one! Bit longer so I have fooled B into thinking it is a dress- t shirts just don't make her wardrobe cut!