Monday, 16 January 2012

Resolved to Sew....

I couldn't resist posting after reading Ali's post on her blog And to be honest it has done me good to be tempted back into my little blog that has been more than a little neglected....
piecing a photographThis year I think it should probably be resolved to blog rather than sew- last year was fairly productive and even ended in Christmas presents that were just about good enough to give without adding an apology note!

But thinking about the sewing, my main challenge is to finish my first big quilt for my bed- so far just a basic patchwork and all squares cut, and some even sewn, but it seems a long, long way off completion. I am daunted by the size, but love the fabric and so this will be my most satisfying accomplishment sewing-wise (if it ever does get finished).

My other sewing resolutions will be to cut into some of my precious fabric that I just can't find a good enough use for- rather than just pulling them out of the drawer, looking and sighing and putting them back.
And finally my last resolution is to have a go at paper piecing - just love this image from pinterest (and to curb my pinterest addiction....but that may take longer)
Let see what 2012 brings!
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  1. All the very best with your plans for 2012 Deborah. I have yet to finish a full size quilt so I know exactly what you mean about feeling daunted!

  2. Oh yes, and should have said, thank you for blogging the giveaway.

  3. Hi there, so far the best thing about Ali's giveaway is it's highlighting a bunch of blogs I'm not so familiar with. Also I think I received a lovely package of scraps from you last year in a scrap swap - they're still going strong! I think your little girl is very lucky to have a Mum who can make such beautiful clothes. I use dress-making as a threat to my 4 year old!! Hope all goes well for your resolutions in 2012!
