Sunday, 19 August 2012

iPad and catch up

Christmas has come early- quite literally as I was 'allowed' to buy my Christmas present in the summer holidays!! I have wanted an iPad for ages and after both my parents getting one before me I thought something needed to be done! The only way I could justify it was to have it as an early Christmas present and at this rate the novelty will not have worn off before then...
I have also been working on a few things so photos to bring things up to date- two baby quilts and a cat bag. The bag is my second attempt. After not really measuring the first one it turned out rather bigger than expected so it was back to the drawing board for a more normal size. The conversation with my husband went something like this:
Me: do you like the bag I made for nina?
Him: is it to put her in?
Baring in mind Nina is just one and would have fitted in the bag I thought he might have a point.... However I am pleased with how this one has turned out so all good in the end!